Bridge Counseling & Therapy Center
48-Hour Cancellation Policy:
Effective therapy requires commitment and consistency. We appreciate your cooperation. If you need to cancel an appointment we require
a 48 notice. This gives us ample time to call those people who are waiting for an appointments. We like to try and give everyone a fair chance to schedule an appointment .
Charging for a No-Show:
If you fail to call to cancel in time or do not show for an appointment, you may be charged for a no-show. Health insurances do not cover no-shows, so you want to avoid these charges if at all possible. Charging for a missed appointment is at the discretion of your therapist.
Verification of Benefits:
We verify your benefits before we get you scheduled. The reason for this is because sometimes insurance policies lapse without the guarantor knowing. We always want to make sure that we are giving you the most accurate information, and verifying your benefits first accomplishes just that. We appreciate your patience.
As of April 2003, the Federal law known as HIPAA went into effect. It is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This law provides standards on how your personal "protected health information" can be collected and stored. We are required by law to keep our health care information confidential. Also required is that we provide you with this notice of our legal responsibilities. This new law also places very strict rules on how and with whom this information may be shared.
At this time we are able to accept checks or cash. We are unable to process credit cards. Payment will be paid directly to your therapist and will be collected at the beginning of your session. Sometimes your therapy will involve sensitive subjects and asking for payment at the end of a session would be antithetical to conducive treatment .